Всеки познава неприятното чувство на скомина, когато човек се сблъска със собствената си глупост. Единствено приятното в такива моменти е надеждата, че от случилото се ще остане някаква поука.
Впрочем, не само това. На света все пак има и едно такова вълшебно нещо като приятелството.
Предлагам ви тук една чудно-нежна, ако и написана на малко странен английски език, история. Тя идва от Китай, от моята приятелка и преводачка, великолепната малка Ann.
Ann е парализирана от кръста надолу от четвъртата си година (в момента е на 25, като от 10 години насам лекарите й дават „още шест месеца живот“). Тя е една от най-известните китайски блогърки, авторка на изключително популярен сайт за деца и „гений на китайския език“, ако може да се вярва на нещата, които хората говорят за нея. Във всеки случай това е най-силното и безкомпромисно човешко същество, което някога съм срещал през живота си.
I Am Sad
One day, Hare said, ‘Bear, I’m sad.’
‘Because no one is as sad as me.’
Bear thinks. ‘Well, I’ll be as sad as you.’
‘No, you won’t.’
‘I will.’
Bear jumps to the river, and then, standing in the wind, not moving a little.
‘Bear, what happened to you? Why you have a tremble?’
‘I’m. . . sad.’
‘No, you are not sad, you just are cold.’
Bear climbs the tree, and then, poking the beehive. Wow! A big group of bees fly out!
‘Bear, what happened to you? Why you have so many lump?’
‘I’m. . . sad.’
‘No, you are not sad, you just are tumid.’
Bear pick up a big stone, and then, giving a hit on his foot.
‘Bear, what happened to you? Why you have a limp?’
‘I’m. . . sad.’
‘No, you are not sad, you just are leg-broken.’
Bear lie on bed with a big cast. Hare brings him the supper and medicine. But, Bear don’t eat his supper, nor his medicine.
‘Bear, what happened to you?’
Bear is silent.
‘Bear, what are you thinking?’
‘I, I’m so fool. I even can’t know what is the sad!’
‘Bear, are you feeling a little pain in your heart?’
‘Do you want to cry, and can’t cry out?’
‘Bear, you are sad! You are sad for you can’t help me!’
‘So, IT is the SAD?’
So, when Bear is eating all his supper and medicine, Hare is drawing the picture on his cast. They both have been sad, and they both are happy now.
One day, Hare said, ‘Bear, I’m sad.’
‘Because no one is as sad as me.’
Bear thinks. ‘Well, I’ll be as sad as you.’
‘No, you won’t.’
‘I will.’
Bear jumps to the river, and then, standing in the wind, not moving a little.
‘Bear, what happened to you? Why you have a tremble?’
‘I’m. . . sad.’
‘No, you are not sad, you just are cold.’
Bear climbs the tree, and then, poking the beehive. Wow! A big group of bees fly out!
‘Bear, what happened to you? Why you have so many lump?’
‘I’m. . . sad.’
‘No, you are not sad, you just are tumid.’
Bear pick up a big stone, and then, giving a hit on his foot.
‘Bear, what happened to you? Why you have a limp?’
‘I’m. . . sad.’
‘No, you are not sad, you just are leg-broken.’
Bear lie on bed with a big cast. Hare brings him the supper and medicine. But, Bear don’t eat his supper, nor his medicine.
‘Bear, what happened to you?’
Bear is silent.
‘Bear, what are you thinking?’
‘I, I’m so fool. I even can’t know what is the sad!’
‘Bear, are you feeling a little pain in your heart?’
‘Do you want to cry, and can’t cry out?’
‘Bear, you are sad! You are sad for you can’t help me!’
‘So, IT is the SAD?’
So, when Bear is eating all his supper and medicine, Hare is drawing the picture on his cast. They both have been sad, and they both are happy now.